Monday, March 16, 2009

The Bauhaus & New Typography

The Bauhaus supported a type of modernism style of design. Their purpose was "to solve design problems created by industrialization." The Bauhaus wanted the modern look by using mass production. This modern style was calculated by the use of type and image. Photoplastics were invented by a Bauhaus Master, Moholy Nagy. These photoplastics created a surrealism style of design. Using the camera as a tool, Nagy created a new visual language for photography. He also applied the componets of the Bauhaus design legacy. During this time many designers escaped to America to avoid the Nazi persecution.

Then the style of design changed Jan Tschichold was the best spokesman to describe the new style as New Typography. This style introduced more white space, elementary typefaces without elaberation, symmetrical organization, and dynamic forces for everyday design. After a while Tschichold realizes the limitations of the modern style of New Typography and declairs that the old traditions provide more freedom to thought and expression. However several artists still made an impact to this movement such as Paul Shoetema, Hendrick Werkman, and Piet Zwart.

I've never been one to favor the modern design. I find it hard to interpret. Maybe that's because of my upbringing, I've always been used to the playful colorful, traditional decorative designs. Even though I found them not my style I still bought my friend square dinner plates for her wedding gift. She explained that they wanted something different. In a world were modern design is becoming more favored being 'different' is not so hard. The only challenge is designing something modern differently.

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