Monday, February 23, 2009

Just Another "Throw Of The Dice"

The lecture given on February 23rd covered the early 20th century of graphic design. Synthetic Cubism was simplified forms of graphic essence, such as the work of the famous Picasso. Seven-Second-Medium was a term used to catch the eye of traveling pedestrians. Around this time when the worlds broke out artist began to use propaganda. The most famous and well known of these posters and art is the Uncle Sam pointing "I Want You." On the the greatest movements was the Dada Movement. Consisting mainly of poets and writers the Dada's purpose was the eliminate the sensible with absurd non-sense. The Dada's declared no style, as they were against it. They also participated in destructive activities to draw attention to their purpose or cause. It is also said that they invented the photomontage, which is found images that are rearranged.

I wonder how Man Ray created his 'rayograms' since nowadays its expensive to get an x-ray. I found this part of the lecture the most interesting. It causes me to wonder what I can do with x-ray film since my father works in radiology. Not that I could get him to sneak me in to work on the million dollar or so machines. I don't know if they use the turn anymore but I still think the Seven-Second-Medium applys to us nowadays. Now there is a relatively new system of advertising as companies have put them on wheels. You may spot a truck or two between Sarasota and Tampa with rotating ads on them. This kind of advertising creates a whole new way of advertising as companies must get their profession and phone number across to the viewer, minimum. I always tell my mom about a new fashion trend that take place and she just tell me, "No, it just a comeback." Well, the say goes for art as well. It usually always started somewhere.

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